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Hello to all,

I'm an autistic cartoonist and sculptor with a passion for everything that involves creativity. 

I graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2018 as a Summa Cum Laude with a BFA in Sequential Art, which is a fancy word for comics and cartoons. I was hired as a wax sculptor at Art Castings of Colorado in 2019.

I have always been a visual learner, and I communicate my stories and ideas through visual storytelling, whether it is in the form of comics, illustrations, sculptures, or something I have never done before. I strive to create art that is dynamic, entertaining, and fun to look at. 

Through my education at SCAD, and continued self teaching, I have obtained professional skills in drawing comics, illustrating, and sculpting. I have obtained valuable experience in every aspect of the process of illustrating comics, covering script writing, character design, environment design, inking techniques, coloring techniques, and choosing the most effective ways to use visual storytelling to communicate with the viewer. In addition, SCAD has provided me with real world situations in which deadlines are short and strict, thus enabling me to learn how to create artwork that is both of the highest quality and is finished quickly. 

I am currently a wax chaser at Art Castings of Colorado, a foundry that casts sculptures in bronze and stainless steel. My job is to fix up the wax casts to match the original sculpture in preparation for the metal cast. This includes repairing seam lines and bubbles, attaching or removing parts, fixing textures, and fixing wax casts that came out of the mold broken. 

In my free time when I'm not working on comics, I enjoy customizing dinosaur action figures by re-sculpting parts and then painting them. I also enjoy creating costumes and cosplaying at renaissance festivals. I do this annually with my best friend Alyssa and my siblings.



Savannah College of Art and Design: 2014 - 2018

Bachelor of Fine Art: Sequential Art


2020 - Present:

Self Publishing Comic Short Stories


2019 - Present:

Wax Chaser (Sculptor) At Art Castings of Colorado

2012 - 2019:

Etsy Shop Owner selling custom painted items.

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